Welcome to Walking in Truth Ministry!


I want to welcome you to the Walking in Truth Ministry page. Please follow us and also click the link below and follow us on Facebook. What will be happening on this page is biblical teaching and articles, journals and videos that glorify Our Lord!

May 2019, I will be graduating from The Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles. I am completing the Masters of Divinity program. It has been such a blessing to have attended The Masters Seminary. After serving as a layman performing bible studies and evangelism in jail ministry on the island of Guam, I began attending the Shepherd’s Conference at Grace Community Church, where the Seminary is located, to further my knowledge of the Bible.

In 2015 I applied at Master’s and got accepted. My wife and I moved from Guam, sold everything we had and moved to Los Angeles to attend Masters. In short, we lost everything and the future looked bleak and I began to think that maybe Seminary was a mistake. But God, in His faithfulness and grace provided for us these (4) years and we have sustained ourselves by His grace allowing us to complete this program. I will have to give a detailed testimony about this one day.

I started thinking about doing this for a while in order for biblical teaching. I have a burden for God’s people to be properly fed. This has only grown more and more bringing me to this point. I have started a YouTube channel as well and have uploaded some videos here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1895vFFWDXuQ7NU4WCU5lw

So, this is the welcome message and in a couple of weeks, after graduation, I will be posting on a regular basis. I look forward in serving you in the future and meeting many new brothers and sisters. Again, please follow!

In Christ